Welcome to Scrappyroo!

My name is Gill and I love patterned paper, scrapbooking and mini album making.

I first started scrapbooking about 20 years ago, when my eldest was a baby.  I thought it was a brilliant way to creatively document special memories.  I've loved watching products and techniques evolve and find that sometimes scrapbook pages are like mini works of art.

I'm not so good at mixed media style pages but I'm trying to get better at this.  I find stencilling and stamping difficult and messy so I tend to steer away from that unless I have plenty of time and space!

I set up an Etsy store in around 2017 as I wanted something to keep me busy (3 kids, a full time job and a house to run wasn't enough!).  My Etsy store is called Partyroo and has evolved over time. I now sell mainly personalised gift boxes of which my best seller is my Big Sister gift box.  I love making these so that the new big sister doesn't feel quite so left out when her baby sibling arrives.  I also make equivalent Big Brother boxes but don't sell nearly as many of those.

I've wanted to branch out into the business world of scrapbooking for a long time now and I've finally decided to take the plunge.  I got married a couple of years ago and my husband is super-supportive of me and my pattern paper addiction.  He cheers me on from the sidelines as well as helping fulfill Etsy orders and trips to the Post Office.  

I'd really like to champion British scrapbooking products as much as possible in my Scrappyroo kits - having said that, there's not a lot of UK designers and suppliers out there.  If you use a UK brand that you love then please let me know at scrappy_roo@hotmail.com.

I'm also going to have a pre-loved section where I will offer for sale items that have been previously used or part used for as low a price as I can - everyone loves a bargain!  If you've got anything that you want to destash then please drop me an email to scrappy_roo@hotmail.com.

Please let me know if there are any particular collections or products that you would like to see available.

Enjoy your crafting!